Hello family, neighbors, and friends throughout Michigan. It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have won the August 6th primary for State Representative of District 64! I have you to thank for your votes and support. District 64 has been is my home for my entire life, so it is an honor for me to give back to the community that has been my family’s home for three generations. We are St. Clair County and Michigan to the core.

I am one of you. My lovely wife, Marilynn and I have five children and eighteen grandchildren. We have spent our lives vested in all that America is; home, family, faith, education, work, and all the ups-and-downs that come with living an honorable and purposeful life. Please know that this is the truth of who I am.
As a High School teacher for 38 years, I am proud to say that I have significantly impacted the lives of my students by instilling in them general life-skills that many say have helped to prepare them for the futures they are now living. It is my belief that when we “plant a seed in a student, we grow a future.”
I have deep faith in the sanctity of life, of the human spirit, and the magical paths that each individual discovers and relies upon for a life-time – as long as they have the freedom to pursue their dreams. For this reason, I have been a member of the St. Clair County Right To Life chapter since 2010 and President since 2013. This experience has provided me with a wealth of operational experiences that have direct application as your House Representative in Lansing, Michigan. Likewise, as Chair of the Membership Committee with the St. Clair County Republican Party, I have helped develop a team of dedicated members and implemented numerous practical functions that has resulted in a steady growth of the chapter. And, as a long time member of the Knights of Columbus, I have participated in the leadership and far-reaching charities of the organization.
My motivation for becoming a republican candidate for District 64 House of Representatives is simple. I can no longer, in good conscience, sit back and watch the Michigan Legislature drive Michigan into financial ruin through its steadfast alignment with Marxist/Communist values, exploitation of ill-fated “Climate Change” ideologies, and wanton disregard for the Michigan middle class. I have been encouraged by individuals with inside knowledge about the corruption that permeates the Michigan Senate and House and its wanton disregard for America First principles. So I say, “here I stand.” A devoted advocate for “We the People.” My pledge is to stand-up for the citizens of District 64 and through my vote, for all the citizens of the State of Michigan. I am hopeful that my goals and objectives resonate with you, and that I can count on your vote during the August 6, 2024 primary, and the November 5th general election.
Joe Pavolv – Candidate, Michigan District 64, State of Michigan, House of Representatives